Leveraging powerful analytics and a massive data repository, FOREWARN solutions enable real estate professionals to verify identity, search for criminal histories, and validate information provided by potential clients - all from just a phone number or a name - and at no cost to NVAR REALTOR® members. Claim your FOREWARN benefit today!
- Click here and enter your email address associated with your NVAR account
- Open the email sent to you from FOREWARN and click the activation link
- Enter the last 4-digits of your phone number to the link that was opened in step 2
- Enter the code that was texted to you to the webpage and set up your password
If you experience any difficulty setting up your password, logging into or using FOREWARN, please reach out to FOREWARN support at 561-757-4551 or support@forewarn.com (Monday – Friday; 9AM-5PM ET).
Learn more at NVAR.com/FOREWARN!