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International Day of Friendship Event Celebrates Region's Diversity

by Grace Mathias

friendship eventOn Friday, July 30, NVAR Global Leadership Advisory Group honored the United Nations (U.N.) International Day of Friendship with an educational luncheon. Attendees were invited to wear their cultural attire and introduce themselves in their native language. It was incredible to see so many cultures represented. NVAR Global assembled a display case highlighting significant statistics and demographics describing the Northern Virginia Area and quick facts from around the globe, organized by continent. Thank you to Lieu Nguyen, Mary Ann Burstein, and Verna Vargas for contributing their personal collections to the NVAR display cases. The displays will remain up for the next few months so that visitors to the NVAR Fairfax building can view them.

Eunnie Lee of Fairfax Realty Select presented a cooking demonstration showing attendees how to make Bulgogi, a traditional Korean dish. Thank you, Eunnie, for providing food and a fun and informative cooking lesson! Everfresh Catering also donated Bulgogi and rice for attendees to sample. A variety of International drinks were also available for members to try. NVAR assembled a list of 10 local international restaurants offering a variety of global cuisines represented in the area.

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One primary focus of this event was to provide statistics on the top 10 countries (by regional population) represented in the Northern VA footprint. These countries are El Salvador, Bolivia, Ethiopia, Guatemala, The Philippines, Peru, Korea, India, Vietnam, and China. Attendees laughed and gasped in surprise as they played interactive trivia games to learn more about these countries.

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International Day of Friendship was designated by the U.N. in 2011 with the idea that friendship between peoples, countries, cultures and individuals can build bridges among communities. On July 30, NVAR celebrated the diversity of our membership and the importance of friendship across all groups.

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