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Why the SentriCard® is being sunsetted.


On January 1, 2022, the SentriCard® is being sunsetted. The SentriCard® was introduced 16 years ago, and SentriLock® now has access to improved lockbox technology capabilities that benefit Realtors® and their clients.

There are several reasons why the keycard will no longer be used, and the SentriKey® Real Estate App will become the sole means of accessing SentriLock lockboxes.

  1. Difficulty in acquiring the necessary materials for manufacturing the keycards. The entire smart card industry no longer has ready access to the materials and manufacturing services needed to produce the cards.
  2. Lack of innovation in the keycard technology. The technology and capabilities of the keycard have remained the same since their introduction 16 years ago. The app allows for many more features and can be updated to allow for additional enhancements as the field advances.
  3. Realtors® are naturally migrating to the Bluetooth boxes and many Realtors® already exclusively use the app for the seamless experience of accessing lockboxes. Non-Bluetooth lockboxes will be sunsetted after July 31, 2022.

NVAR is here to help throughout this transition to an app-based Bluetooth lockbox experience. To learn more click here.  

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