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Cicadian Rhythm: Brood X Awakens After 17-Year Slumber


If you haven’t yet heard them, you’ve no doubt heard of them: Cicadas. These burrowing, flying insects, also known as Brood X, emerge on a 17-year cycle to breed; in an area from Indiana to Delaware and from Pennsylvania to part of Georgia. As predicted, they began to arrive mid-May, and we can expect them to linger through June in Northern Virginia-the epicenter of it all. The 2021 Brood X infestation is actually made up of three species and is remarkable for its volume in terms of both size and sound. 

NVAR affiliate member Brett Lieberman of My Pest Pros said that they began getting calls from Northern Virginia residents well before the expected infestation, seeking advice on mitigation.  

“They’re really harmless,” Lieberman said. “They can be an annoyance. They can be loud. But they don’t hurt people or animals, and there are no safety concerns,” he said. 

However, according to Kristin Ann Conrad, an agriculture natural resource extension agent with the Virginia Cooperative Extension, young trees can be at risk. Quoted in an April 18 Washington Business Journal article, Conrad explained that while Cicadas don’t eat much while they are above ground, “The females will cut slits . . . into pencil-sized diameter twigs to lay their eggs. These branches beyond the egg-laying sites will often die.” 

Lieberman explained that Cicadas are not going to try to enter a home, but shared tips for Realtors® to help prepare both their clients and listings for the arrival for Brood X: 

  • Keep doors closed and make sure window screens are in good repair and are in place. 
  • Cover young trees with mesh netting. 
  • Delay planting new trees until after the infestation. 

There is no shortage of resources for embracing the experience. Share pictures, create an art project or try a new recipe or wine pairing. If nothing else, the 2021 invasion creates an opportunity for memorable and unique client gifts. And 17 years from now, your clients – or their children – will remember the experience when they’re ready to buy or sell again!  

Additional Resources: 

Download the Cicada App  

Create activities for the kids 

Cooking with Cicadas 

Cicada-themed gifts 

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