Town Hall Notes


Deadline to Submit Legislative Ideas


The NVAR Public Policy Committee needs to hear from members as we develop the Local and State Legislative Program and Agenda for 2022-2023.  What real estate related laws and regulations are not working for you? Are any local ordinances or policies holding the real estate market back?  How can NVAR advocate for you and your home buyers and sellers?

Submit state or local legislative ideas to by Wednesday, April 13, 2022 for consideration by the Legislative Program Task Force and the NVAR Public Policy Committee. Please briefly and specifically state the changes you are requesting and the impact you hope to effect through this change.

virginia-capitol-richmond-laws-legislativeThe development of our Legislative Program is a multi-step process conducted by NVAR’s Realtor® members. It begins when NVAR’s Legislative Program Task Force receives issues submitted by members, committees and forums.  The Task Force discusses proposals and makes recommendations to the full Public Policy Committee for further vetting. Finally, the Public Policy Committee recommends these policy positions to the NVAR Board of Directors for approval. NVAR’s adopted Legislative Program is then sent to the Virginia Realtors® (VAR) to discuss needed legislation for the General Assembly.

We hope that you will submit any issues impacting you and your business. The success of our Government Affairs efforts relies on Realtor® participation. We are at our strongest when Realtors® are informed, engaged and ready to act. Help us be the voice for real estate. Thank you for your participation in the development of our Legislative Program!

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