Join NVAR for a Realtor® Lobby Day at the State Capitol!
We need your voice in Richmond to promote legislation that benefits the real estate industry at the 2024 NVAR Realtor® Lobby Day! You'll meet with your state elected officials, hear from outstanding speakers, learn the ins-and-outs of lobbying the General Assembly and attend committee hearings in what Realtors® call “one of the most informative events NVAR offers!
Your $25 registration fee includes continental breakfast, lunch, afternoon snacks and round-trip transportation to Richmond.
New for 2024, your $25 fee will be attributed to your annual NV/RPAC investment.
Breakfast will begin at 7:00 am at NVAR Fairfax, with departure for Richmond at 7:30 SHARP. The group will return from Richmond by approximately 6 p.m. NOTE: Due to space limitations, this event is non-refundable.

We look forward to seeing you there!