

Doors Opening: Commercial and Residential Bus Tour Makes Tracks Around the Region

Silver line bus tour members smiling
Members board the bus for the start of the tour, which began in Reston and concluded at Loudoun Station.

RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE are often thought of as two separate industries, but are they as discrete as some people think?

When Realtors® are selling a house, they are also selling a community. Prospective homebuyers want to know about the restaurants, retail, grocery stores, parks and offices that surround their potential new home. Staying informed about commercial development is an important way Realtors® can enhance their role as their clients’ go-to expert.

Members had the opportunity to learn about planned, approved and ongoing development during the Commercial and Residential Bus Tour on Sept. 14 – co-hosted by NVAR and the Dulles Area Association of Realtors® (DAAR). The tour, themed “Doors Opening,” highlighted development along the Silver Line Metro corridor.

“It was really a neat experience,” Clarry Ellis, an NVAR member, said. “What a great time getting out, seeing the different communities and expansion – not just what’s going on now but what the plans are for the future.”

Attendees kicked-off the day with breakfast and a 360-degree view at the Comstock building in Reston. After presentations and a birds-eye tour by Maggie Parker, president of communications at Comstock Companies, members boarded buses and began their trip from Reston through Falls Church, Tysons and Loudoun County. Local real estate attorney tour guides shared their insider knowledge, and the day concluded with lunch and comments from Colleen Kardasz, assistant director of Loudoun County Economic Development.

“All of this [residential and commercial real estate] is tied together; it’s all connected,” Kardasz said. “If someone’s business is here but their employees can’t afford to live here, they are going to have to decide: should I stay or go?”

At the tour’s end, attendees walked away with a new understanding of what is in store for the future of real estate in Northern Virginia. Tour organizers from both associations urged Realtors® to continue to get involved in the decision-making process and have their voices heard by staying informed and communicating directly with legislators.

To view a highlight video of the event, click here

Bus drives by capitol one headquarters
Along the bus tour, captains point out the new Capital One headquarters, which is the second tallest building in the D.C. region – behind the Washington Monument.

bus captains
(L-R) Bus captains: Mark Looney with Cooley LLP, Andrew Painter with Walsh Colucci Lubeley & Walsh PC, Evan Pritchard with Venable LLP, and Molly Novotny with Cooley LLP.

Lorraine Arora and Holly Weatherwax
NVAR President Lorraine Arora and DAAR President Holly Weatherwax prepare for their opening remarks where they thanked attendees for their participation.

Collen Kardasz presents information about Loudoun County
While members enjoy lunch at the AMC theater in Loudoun Station, Colleen Kardasz presents facts and figures about Loudoun County development.

Maggie Parker takes attendees on a walking tour
Comstock Companies’ Maggie Parker takes attendees on a walking tour around the Comstock building and describes the surrounding development projects.

Access National sponsor of the event
Access National Bank, an event sponsor, provided swag to attendees as they enjoy their breakfast. Staff of Access National Bank also provided a briefing about its services during breakfast.

Interstate sponsor of event
Sid Sillah, a representative from Interstate Moving, greets members and hands out bags as they sign in. As a sponsor of the event, Sillah also presented information about Interstate during the lunch presentation.

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