

Virginia Gubernatorial Candidates Share Their Vision for Virginia’s Future

NVAR chairman bob introduced candidate Ed Gillespie(R) to the group
NVAR Chairman Bob Adamson (right) introduced candidate Ed Gillespie (R) to the group of invited NVAR leaders.

Economic Growth, Healthcare, Transportation on the Drawing Board

On Wednesday, Apr. 26, the NVAR Public Policy Committee hosted Virginia gubernatorial candidates Ed Gillespie (R) and Lieutenant Governor Ralph Northam (D) at a town hall-style meeting for a select group of volunteers and RPAC Major Investors. Each candidate was given an opportunity to share his vision for Virginia and answer audience questions.

The Republican and Democratic primaries will be held on Tuesday, June 13. In-person absentee voting is currently underway in jurisdictions across the region. The deadline to request an absentee ballot by mail is June 6. Candidates successful in the primary election will face each other in the November 7, 2017 general election. For more voting and election information, visit

Republican gubernatorial candidate Ed Gillespie expressed his concern about significant job losses in manufacturing and coal sectors in some parts of the Commonwealth. “I will be a governor for all Virginians,” he said.

Lieutenant Gov. Ralph Northam, democratic gubernatorial candidate, told the town hall attendees that the current administration is “working very hard to bring skills to jobs.”

Following his remarks, Lieutenant Gov. Northam (D) paused for a “selfie” with NVAR members Moon Choi and Ava Nguyen.
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