

New NVAR Affiliate Program Highlights Categories of Service, Boosts Benefits

collage pictures of some Affiliates
NVAR is pleased to announce an expansion of the affiliate membership program, to incorporate new benefits and opportunities to participate. Affiliate members currently enjoy benefits such as a searchable presence on and inclusion in the bi-monthly RE+View Magazine affiliate directory. In addition to these opportunities, affiliate members also receive discount on advertising on the ability to attend NVAR’s events and programs.

New benefits were created to increase networking opportunities and publicity to the membership. NVAR is working to expand online affiliate listings will include photos, logos and descriptions that will help their website SEO optimization. A redesign of the RE+VIEW affiliate layout, found on page 49, offers an improved layout by category, giving readers an easier way to identify these valued members and their specialties. 

The new Affiliate of the Month program provides a chance to be highlighted in NVAR’s bi-weekly e-newsletter, with a link to a website article. Individuals can nominate themselves or others to be randomly selected for this recognition. This creates a free marketing opportunity to NVAR’s 11,000+ membership.
Additional benefits are planned, including the ability to contribute articles for posting on Affiliate members are a valued segment of NVAR. 

We look forward to finding additional innovative ways to unite Realtors® and our members working in businesses that support the industry.  Together, we will Take You Further. 
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