

November Elections

Different hands holding the word election

If We Don’t Vote, Will They All Go Away?

Wishful thinking perhaps, but the answer, of course, is no. And while some people don’t like politics and elections, the reality is that your local elected officials and state legislators have a HUGE impact on your business. For that reason, you should vote. And to protect your livelihood and the interests of your buyers and sellers, you should support real-estate friendly candidates.

This year is what I call a “mega-election year.” In November you will have the opportunity to vote for individuals who could affect your business each day. All 140 seats of the state legislature (House of Delegates and State Senate) are up for election. About thirty-five of those seats will represent the bulk of NVAR’s membership. Four districts have retiring legislators. Those seats will be “open,” meaning there will not be an incumbent running for reelection.
"The reality is that your local elected officials and state legislators have a HUGE impact on your business."
In addition, many local governments are having elections. All ten seats of the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors; the mayor and six Alexandria City Council members; and two seats on the Arlington County Board will be up for election. Also on the ballot will be the Loudoun and Prince William County Boards of Supervisors.

Don’t want your BPOL or recordation taxes increased?  Do you want to be able to put up “For Sale” signs? POAs and Condo Associations not adhering to the rules?  Your prospective buyers are worried about the lack of transportation solutions. These, among hundreds of others, are issues that elected officials decide.

NVAR members and staff will be getting acquainted with the candidates for public office. We’ll ask their point of view on many real estate issues. When you meet them in your neighborhood, you should ask them, too. This is your chance not only to learn their positions, but to help shape their opinions. Candidates are not experts on all issues; this is our opportunity to educate them. 

The Northern Virginia Realtors® Political Action Committee (NV/RPAC) trustees will meet with candidates and incumbents. The trustees will review answers to the Realtor® questionnaires and make informed decisions about which candidates can be elected and will listen carefully to the Realtor® policy positions. We will update you on the candidates and let you know which ones are supported by NVAR. In the meantime, I hope you will try to meet the candidates on your own. 

It’s an important election year. The people we elect into office have the ability to affect you and your business significantly. You shouldn’t miss the opportunity to get to know them and cast your informed votes in November.

Mary Beth Coya is NVAR’s senior vice president for public and government affairs and chief lobbyist
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