

Realtor® Voices Heard in the Halls of the Capitol

NVAR members in a bus, on their way to Richmond
NVAR Chairman Bob Adamson reviews the “rules of the road” for NVAR members riding the bus to Richmond to lobby their Northern Virginia legislators.

Realtor® Advocates Meet with Lieutenant Governor, Attorney General, Northern Virginia Legislators in Busy Day on the Hill.

On January 25, more than 50 Realtors® from across the region met at NVAR for the annual trip down I-95 for the 2017 NVAR Public Policy Committee’s Legislative Advocacy Trip. Members gathered bright and early for a quick breakfast before boarding the bus, where they were greeted by NVAR Public Policy Committee Chair Genevieve Concannon. The nearly two-hour bus ride gave attendees a chance to learn about the 2017 State Realtor® Agenda. Visit to learn more about the legislative package.

Attendees gathered in the General Assembly Building for one last time to meet with legislators for an insiders’ view of the legislative process and the issues before the 2017 General Assembly. The building is slated for demolition and renovation.

2017-03-04-legislative-trip-Realtor-Voices-Heard-image-capitolThe Realtors® were also addressed by two statewide office holders, Lieutenant Governor Ralph Northam (D) and Attorney General Mark Herring (D). Both Governor Northam and Attorney General Herring explained the duties of their respective offices and outlined some of their prioritized initiatives and issues.

Once the day’s legislative sessions convened, the Realtors® walked to the Capitol for an opportunity to view the General Assembly in action. Senator Dick Saslaw (D) introduced the NVAR visitors from the Senate floor and Delegates Jackson Miller (R) and Marcus Simon (D) recognized the NVAR group in the House. The attendees then visited individual legislator offices from their own districts to discuss and advance the Realtor® legislative agenda.

2017-03-04-legislative-trip-Realtor-Voices-Heard-image-chambersAfter visiting more than 25 legislators and legislative staffers, tours of the Capitol and Governor’s mansion and countless trips up and down the stairs of the General Assembly Building, the energized group of Realtor® advocates enjoyed refreshments on the bus ride back to Northern Virginia. NV/RPAC Campaign Chair Moon Choi addressed the group, noting that their experiences that day were made possible by relationships built through their NV/RPAC investments. To see more of what RPAC accomplished, take a look at RPAC of Virginia Victories by the Numbers at

If you missed out on this year’s trip, you can still contribute to the power of the Realtor® Party with your own RPAC investment. Consider investing today by contacting NVAR government affairs staff at 703-207-3201.
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