

Realtors® ‘In the House’ Make Their Impact in Richmond

nvar delegation at richmond

NVAR Advocates meet with Governor, Secretary of Commonwealth and Legislators in Action-Packed Day

More than 50 Realtors® gathered at NVAR’s Fairfax headquarters in the early morning hours of February 4 to make the trek down I-95 for the Public Policy Committee’s Annual Legislative Advocacy Trip. Members were plied with pastry, bagels and hot coffee before being welcomed on board by Public Policy Committee Vice Chair Genevieve Concannon and Chairman of the Board Virgil Frizzell.

Attendees gathered in the General Assembly Building for briefings on the 2016 State Realtor® Agenda and the Virginia legislative process. The first visit of the day was from Levar Stoney, Secretary of the Commonwealth, who urged Realtors® to apply to serve on one of the Commonwealth’s boards and commissions. The group was then joined by Northern Virginia legislators who provided their insiders’ view of the legislative process and the issues under consideration by the General Assembly.

After a quick lunch, attendees visited the Capitol and observed the legislative process from the House and Senate galleries. Senator Janet Howell (D-Fairfax County) introduced the NVAR visitors from the Senate floor and Delegate Jackson Miller (R-Manassas) recognized the Realtors® in the House. The group also attended committee hearings where Realtor® legislation was considered. Small groups then visited individual legislator offices from the Realtors’® own districts to discuss and advance the legislative agenda. 

After visiting more than 30 legislators and legislative staffers, touring the Capitol and perhaps stopping at a local establishment for refreshments, the Realtors® closed the day with an address from Governor Terry McAuliffe (D) in the Patrick Henry Building.

Participants enjoyed happy hour refreshments on the bus ride back to Northern Virginia. NV/RPAC Campaign Chair Christine Richardson and NV/RPAC Trustees Chair Lorraine Arora addressed the group about the value of RPAC and the important work that was accomplished during the trip. Attendees contributed and pledged more than $8,000 to the NV/RPAC campaign to continue this crucial work in 2016. 

If you missed this year’s trip, you can still contribute to the power of the Realtor® Party with your RPAC investment. Consider investing in NV/RPAC today. Contact your NVAR Government Affairs staff at 703/.207.3201. Our continued success depends on you!

Josh Veverka is the NVAR government affairs director.

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