

New Realtor® School Offerings: NVAR Refresher Series

A new year means time to renew and refresh NVAR is offering a series of courses designed to reboot an agent’s outlook on real estate transactions. Take time to invest in the future of your business and expand your knowledge as a real estate professional. There is always something to learn!

“Today’s Buyer Clients” will cover the complexities of working with buyers in a fast-paced technology driven world. Brokerage agreements are reviewed in detail, as well as all phases of the buying process including settlement. 
“Sharpening Your Listing Skills” is not just about getting the listing, but what it takes to actually sell the property. Get marketing tips and more from our real estate instructors who have been in the business for more than 25 years. Finally, learn how to make the transition from working for someone else, to effectively and efficiently becoming your own boss. 

“It’s Never Too Late to Plan” covers the most important practices an agent must know – from time management to writing and implementing a business plan.
Although the refresher series courses do not carry post-licensing or continuing education credit, both new and experienced agents will gain valuable insight to the buying and selling process in today’s market. Sign up today to learn tips for a more lucrative tomorrow. Register online at Each value-priced class is $15 for members or $20 for non-members. 

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