

Q & A: MRIS ShowingTime for the MLS

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What is ShowingTime for the MLS? It is a new MRIS core product included in your MRIS subscription that allows real estate professionals to share and access showing information from Keystone, Matrix, and the MRIShomes™ Mobile app.

Listing agents will access ShowingTime from the Keystone Homepage to enter showing information for their listings, and the “Schedule a Showing” icon is then accessible to showing agents in Matrix and the professional version of MRIShomes mobile.

Showing agents can use ShowingTime to make showing requests by selecting dates and times from a shared calendar (unless the appointment type is “View Instructions Only”); showing requests are then delivered to the listing agent, owner/occupant, and/or another contact determined by the listing agent/broker for approval.

What is changing? Once ShowingTime launches, the showing information you enter into Keystone can also be entered into ShowingTime to give showing agents the ability to schedule showing appointments online in real time. You can access ShowingTime from the Keystone Homepage to enter showing instructions or from the Listing: Promotions section within Keystone.
Video, user guides, FAQs, classes and more can be found at
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