

Protect Your Profession: NV/RPAC Is The Way

“Why I Invest”

2014-01-02-nvrpac-protect-your-profession-image-kip-laughlinMy RPAC investment and participation over the past four decades has kept me, as well as my clients, better informed when making real estate decisions. I always have believed that mortgage interest deductibility and other real estate tax-related issues are vital to American property owners.

Elected officials come and go annually, and real estate issues are constantly evolving. It's critically important that our political officials know that Realtors® are a well-informed voice for United States property owners and their vested economic interests.

I would tell my fellow Realtors® to remember the old saying that "no man’s life, liberty or property is safe when the legislature is in session.” That’s why it is so important to invest in RPAC every year.

Kip Laughlin is a past chairman of the NVAR Board of Directors. He has served on more than 20 NVAR committees, including two terms as NV/RPAC campaign chairman. Laughlin joined NVAR in 1970.
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