Accommodations Required for Service Animals in Housing
Federal law, through the federal Fair Housing Act (FHA) and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (applies to housing that received federal funding assistance), may require accommodations by housing providers for service animals that provide assistance to individuals with a disability. This will include housing that may have a no pets policy or similar restrictions on the types of animals that residents may have in their housing units. An accommodation request under the FHA isn't limited to a particular type of service animal, and so could require accommodations for such animals as snakes or birds. A reasonable accommodation request can be made to a landlord for rental property or to a condominium or co-op board.
A reasonable request for accommodation to a housing provider for a service animal must meet the following criteria:
1. The person making the request must have a disability, which is a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities; and
2. The person has a disability-related need for the assistance animal.
Both elements must be present before a housing provider has to consider providing an accommodation for the service animal. Looking at the first requirement, the housing provider cannot deny the request simply because he/she cannot readily determine that the requestor has a disability. The housing provider can ask for documentation from a reliable source if the disability is not apparent. Even if the disability is apparent, the housing provider could inquire about the need for a particular service animal if the connection between the disability and the need for the identified service animal is not apparent. Examples provided by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development of what could constitute proper documentation of a disability include a letter from a physician, social worker, psychologist, or other mental health professional.
While housing providers can request further documentation to support an accommodation request if the request is not immediately apparent, the FHA does not permit the questioning of individuals with apparent disabilities. For example, a person with severe vision impairment could not be asked to demonstrate the need for a guide dog. In addition, the housing provider cannot demand to see the applicants medical records, or demand specific details about the applicants condition. An accommodation request can be denied if an applicant has failed to adequately support the request or has failed to respond to appropriate requests for information from the housing provider.
Assuming the individual has met the criteria in the request for an accommodation, the housing provider will need to provide an exception to its no pet policy or similar rules in the dwelling and all common areas, unless the housing provider can show that the service animal presents a particular risk of harm to others or the property of others or otherwise creates an undue burden. When the housing provider is considering whether to grant the accommodation, he/she needs to evaluate the particular service animal in question and not consider other criteria, such as a particular breed or size. However, if the animal in question poses a risk of harm to others or would otherwise create an undue financial burden for the housing provider, the request can be denied. An example of when an accommodation might be denied could involve an animal with a history of attacking people or which poses a health risk for others. The presumption in the law is that the housing provider should grant the accommodation request, therefore the housing provider will need to demonstrate a legitimate basis for denying a request.
For real estate professionals, the determination on whether to grant an accommodation request for a service animal needs to be made by the housing provider and not the real estate professional. While the real estate professional could request documentation from the applicant in support of the accommodation request, this information should always be gathered at the direction of the housing provider. In addition, the real estate professional should always make it clear to the applicant that the request is being made to the housing provider, not the real estate professional.
Copyright January 29, 2014 Realtor.org
View the video: http://www.realtor.org/articles/accommodations-for-service-animals-in-housing
April is Fair Housing Month
Know the Law, Walk the Walk, Practice the Talk for Zero Discrimination
The Fairfax County Office of Human Rights and Equity Program (OHREP) investigates complaints filed by any person who believes he or she has been subject to discrimination when finding a place to live.
It is illegal in Fairfax County to discriminate against any person based on race, color, sex, religion, national origin, marital status, familial status and disability (mental and physical). The Virginia Fair Housing Act also prohibits discrimination based on elderliness, (age 55 and older).
Violations include any of the following:
Discrimination in the sale, rental and financing of housing and in other housing-related transactions based on a protected class
Use of discriminatory advertising or discriminatory statements in connection with any real estate or real estate-related transaction
Retaliation against someone due to their participation in a protected activity.
Once a complaint is accepted, OHREP investigates and assists the parties in resolving the complaint through the conciliation process. If parties are unable to reach an agreement, the findings are handled by the Fairfax County Human Rights Commission. If the Commission issues a cause finding, and the parties do not come to agreement, a discrimination charge is issued. Then, the county attorney files a civil action on behalf of the complainant and the Commission.
Education and Outreach:
The agency also engages in a variety of education and outreach activities.
Presentations: Agency staff members regularly conduct presentations, participate on panels, and provide information and access to resources on fair housing and related issues. These services are free and can be tailored to the needs of the constituency. For more information or to schedule a presentation, contact Margot Squires at margaret.squires@fairfaxcounty.gov or 703.324.2953.
Fair Housing Month: Every April, the Agency holds a fair housing forum/luncheon. This year's event, offered in collaboration with NVAR, will be held on Thursday, April 10. To register, visit go.nvar.com/FH2014.
Publications & Multimedia (available on OHREP website):
Fair housing brochure, available in six-languages
Two publications focusing on disability with an emphasis on requests for reasonable accommodations
Publication dealing with harassment in housing
Fair housing videos, produced in collaboration with Channel 16, the Countys public television station, including a new PSA titled, Fair Housing and Group Homes.
Learn more: http://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/ohrep/hrd/ or call 703. 324.2953.