Real Estate News


7 Tips for Holding Virtual Open Houses



1. Promote ahead of time.

Schedule a specific day/time and promote your virtual open house ahead of time. Post a photo of the property to get your viewers interested.

2. Know your stuff!

Have a plan for how you’re going to show the property and be prepared with all the information so you don’t run out of things to say. Start big with the important bullet-list items and then go into more detail as you walk the property.

3. Showcase features of the property.

Don’t be afraid to turn on appliances and show viewers how they work. Anticipate what the audience will be most interested in and make a point to highlight those features in your video.

4. Make it interactive.

Invite viewers to ask questions in the comments and be sure to answer promptly.

5. Promote yourself in the video.

Don’t forget to show your face, say your name and explain who you are. It’s important to build trust with your audience, especially when you’re meeting them online.

6. Be yourself!

Don’t worry about the video being perfect. Show your personality and talk to the camera as if you’re meeting with a client face-to-face.

7. Share and re-purpose on your other social media accounts.

Even after you end the “live” feed, the video will remain on your Facebook account. Consider downloading and snipping small teasers from your video to post on Instagram or other social media accounts, too!

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